TechEdSat 1

From Spacefaring


American experimental satellite

atmospheric entry
An exploded view of TechEdSat-8, a satellite designed to test communication and precision deorbit technologies.An exploded view of TechEdSat-8, a satellite designed to test communication and precision deorbit technologies.
Collection of CubeSatsCollection of CubeSats
CubeSats deployed to orbit from the International Space StationCubeSats deployed to orbit from the International Space Station
Deployment TechEdSat3pDeployment TechEdSat3p
TechEdSat Engineering Development UnitTechEdSat Engineering Development Unit
TechEdSat Solar PanelTechEdSat Solar Panel
TechEdSat-10 deploys from the International Space StationTechEdSat-10 deploys from the International Space Station
TechEdSat-10 exo-brake precision de-orbit technology demonstration deploying in orbit around Earth.TechEdSat-10 exo-brake precision de-orbit technology demonstration deploying in orbit around Earth.
The TechEdSat-6 cubesat, seen just after deployment from the International Space Station.The TechEdSat-6 cubesat, seen just after deployment from the International Space Station.