From Spacefaring


European Space Agency satellite that orbited around the Moon

hard landing Lacus Excellentiae
rocket launch ELA-3
orbital activity
3D anaglyph view of crater Lichtenberg ESA2380743D anaglyph view of crater Lichtenberg ESA238074
AMIE mosaic of North Pole ESA215447AMIE mosaic of North Pole ESA215447
Artist`s impression of the SMART-1 mission ESA199399Artist's impression of the SMART-1 mission ESA199399
ESA`s SMART-1- testing solar electric propulsion and studying the Moon ESA194476ESA's SMART-1- testing solar electric propulsion and studying the Moon ESA194476
Hadley Rille on the Moon, seen by SMART-1 ESA214754Hadley Rille on the Moon, seen by SMART-1 ESA214754
Location of SMART-1 impact ESA209870Location of SMART-1 impact ESA209870
One set of solar panels is deployed for testing ESA239244One set of solar panels is deployed for testing ESA239244
SMART-1 Impact flashSMART-1 Impact flash
SMART-1 is packed as it will be for launch ESA228534SMART-1 is packed as it will be for launch ESA228534
SMART-1 mission at the Moon ESA231855SMART-1 mission at the Moon ESA231855
SMART-1 views a cluster of the Moon’s craters ESA354653SMART-1 views a cluster of the Moon’s craters ESA354653
SMART-1 view of Glushko crater largeSMART-1 view of Glushko crater large
SMART-1’s view of Crater Hopmann ESA236081SMART-1’s view of Crater Hopmann ESA236081
SMART-1’s view of a waning Earth ESA213471SMART-1’s view of a waning Earth ESA213471
The SMART-1 spacecraft leaves ESTEC ESA211073The SMART-1 spacecraft leaves ESTEC ESA211073
The first 30 metres of SMART-1`s journey ESA203339The first 30 metres of SMART-1's journey ESA203339
Topography at impact location ESA237341Topography at impact location ESA237341