Cai Xuzhe

From Spacefaring


Chinese astronaut

Cai Xuzhe(cropped)Cai Xuzhe(cropped)
First gathering of two Chinese astronaut crews on TiangongFirst gathering of two Chinese astronaut crews on Tiangong
Interior of Wentian lab module of Tiangong Space StationInterior of Wentian lab module of Tiangong Space Station
神舟十四号航天员 Shenzhou 14 crew神舟十四号航天员 Shenzhou 14 crew
航天员蔡旭哲 Cai Xuzhe航天员蔡旭哲 Cai Xuzhe
linkGoogle Knowledge entry@Wikidata
awardSpaceflight Exploit Medal2023medallion, People's Republic of ChinaWikidata
missionShenzhou 142022Shenzhou, human spaceflight, People's Republic of ChinaWikidata
imageCai Xuzhe(cropped)2022Wikimedia
imageFirst gathering of two Chinese astronaut crews on Tiangong2023Wikimedia
imageInterior of Wentian lab module of Tiangong Space Station2023Wikimedia
image神舟十四号航天员 Shenzhou 14 crew2022Wikimedia
image航天员蔡旭哲 Cai Xuzhe2022Wikimedia