
From Spacefaring


space programme of the Soviet Union

1982 CPA 52781982 CPA 5278
Kosmonavtica 001 RUKosmonavtica 001 RU
Mapa de sondas sobre VenusMapa de sondas sobre Venus
Mars-Venera station liquid-based engine (2004)Mars-Venera station liquid-based engine (2004)
Photo of the surface of Venus taken by the Venera 9 lander the 22 October 1975Photo of the surface of Venus taken by the Venera 9 lander the 22 October 1975
Position of Venera landing sites superimposed on combined Magellan/Pioneer/Venera topography dataPosition of Venera landing sites superimposed on combined Magellan/Pioneer/Venera topography data
Position of Venera landing sites superimposed on combined Magellan/Pioneer/Venera topography dataPosition of Venera landing sites superimposed on combined Magellan/Pioneer/Venera topography data
Venera 9 Space Probe 01Venera 9 Space Probe 01
linkFreebase entry@Wikidata
vesselKosmos 48219723MVWikidata
vesselTyazhely Sputnik1961artificial satellite of the EarthWikidata
vesselVenera 11961space probe, artificial satellite of the Sun, S.P. Korolev Rocket and Space Corporation Energia, Soviet UnionWikidata
vesselVenera 2MV-1 No.119622MVWikidata
vesselVenera 2MV-1 No.219622MVWikidata
vesselVenera 219653MV, space probe, artificial satellite of the Sun, S.P. Korolev Rocket and Space Corporation EnergiaWikidata
vesselVenera 319653MV, S.P. Korolev Rocket and Space Corporation EnergiaWikidata
vesselVenera 4V-2spacecraft, space instrumentWikidata
vesselVenera 41967space probe, NPO LavochkinWikidata
vesselVenera 51969space probe, NPO LavochkinWikidata
vesselVenera 61969space probe, NPO LavochkinWikidata
vesselVenera 71970lander, space probe, NPO LavochkinWikidata
vesselVenera 81972lander, space probe, NPO LavochkinWikidata
vesselVenera 101975space probe, artificial satellite, Soviet UnionWikidata
vesselVenera 11 and 12space probeWikidata
vesselVenera 111978space probe, artificial satellite of the Sun, artificial satelliteWikidata
vesselVenera 121978Academy of Sciences of the USSR, space probe, artificial satellite of the Sun, artificial satelliteWikidata
vesselVenera 131981space probe, artificial satellite, Soviet UnionWikidata
vesselVenera 141981space probe, artificial satelliteWikidata
vesselVenera 151983planetary probe, orbiter, Soviet UnionWikidata
vesselVenera 161983space probe, artificial satelliteWikidata
image1982 CPA 52781982Wikimedia
imageKosmonavtica 001 RU1962Wikimedia
imageMapa de sondas sobre Venus1981Wikimedia
imageMars-Venera station liquid-based engine (2004)2011Wikimedia
imagePhoto of the surface of Venus taken by the Venera 9 lander the 22 October 19751975Wikimedia
imagePosition of Venera landing sites superimposed on combined Magellan/Pioneer/Venera topography data2013Wikimedia
imagePosition of Venera landing sites superimposed on combined Magellan/Pioneer/Venera topography data2023Wikimedia
imageVenera 9 Space Probe 01Wikimedia