American aerospace engineer (1913–2000)
Type | Description | Date | Keywords | Notes | Source |
link | Freebase entry@ | | | | Wikidata |
award | ASME Medal | 1970 | science award, United States of America | | Wikidata |
award | Distinguished Service Medal | 1962 | military decoration, Awards and decorations of the United States military, medallion, United States of America | | Wikidata |
award | James Watt International Medal | 1971 | engineering award, United Kingdom | | Wikidata |
award | NASA Distinguished Service Medal | 1962 | award, medallion, United States of America, decoration | | Wikidata |
image | ASTRONAUT SHEPARD, ALAN - TX | 1963 | | | Wikimedia |
image | Apollo 1 crew announcement presser prime and back-up March 21, 1966 | | | | Wikimedia |
image | Chaffee-White-Grissom-Gilruth-S66-26354 | 1966 | | | Wikimedia |
image | Discussing the successful and historic rendezvous in space of the NASA's Gemini-6 and 7 spacecrafts | 1965 | | | Wikimedia |
image | Dr. Robert R. Gilruth (left), MSC Director, presents President John F. Kennedy with a mounted model of the Apollo spacecraft. | | | | Wikimedia |
image | Dr. Robert R. Gilruth, with astronauts | | | | Wikimedia |
image | Gilruth-Cooper-Conrad-S65-45041 | 1965 | | | Wikimedia |
image | Gilruth-Kennedy-Johnson-model-S62-03989 | 1962 | | | Wikimedia |
image | Grissom shows Kennedy Gemini mockup | | | | Wikimedia |
image | Kennedy Presents Award to Gilruth - GPN-2000-001681 | 1962 | | | Wikimedia |
image | Mercury 7 Astronauts Examine Their Couches | | | | Wikimedia |
image | Mission Control Celebrates Conclusion of Gemini IX-A Flight (14014478373) (2) | 1966 | | | Wikimedia |
image | Mission Control Celebrates Conclusion of Gemini IX-A Flight - GPN-2002-000110 | 1966 | | | Wikimedia |
image | NACA's Special Committee on Space Technology | 1958 | | | Wikimedia |
image | President Johnson Congratulates Astronauts - GPN-2000-001337 | 1965 | | | Wikimedia |
image | Press Conference - First Gemini Astronauts | 1964 | | | Wikimedia |
image | Robert Gilruth S87-26820 | | | | Wikimedia |
image | Robert R. Gilruth -1946 | 1946 | | | Wikimedia |
image | Robert R. Gilruth - 1958 | 1958 | | | Wikimedia |
image | STG discusses 1960 Apollo spacecraft feasibility study | | | | Wikimedia |
image | S-65-44212 | | | | Wikimedia |
image | This historical photograph is of the Apollo Space Program Leaders. | 1950 | | | Wikimedia |
image | Webb-Kennedy-Johnson-Gilruth-S62-5628 | 1962 | | | Wikimedia |