Mary Ellen Weber

From Spacefaring


American astronaut

Astronaut Mary E. Weber floats in the middeck in a yoga position during STS-70Astronaut Mary E. Weber floats in the middeck in a yoga position during STS-70
Female NASA astronautsFemale NASA astronauts
Female NASA astronauts - croppedFemale NASA astronauts - cropped
Gathering of legendary American astronautsGathering of legendary American astronauts
Group photo of NASA astronaut group 14Group photo of NASA astronaut group 14
Mary Ellen WeberMary Ellen Weber
Mary Ellen Weber in 2014Mary Ellen Weber in 2014
Mary E. Weber - Astronaut Candidate PortraitMary E. Weber - Astronaut Candidate Portrait
STS101-378-004 - STS-101 - STS-101 in-flight crew portrait in the Node 1/Unity moduleSTS101-378-004 - STS-101 - STS-101 in-flight crew portrait in the Node 1/Unity module
STS101-378-007 - STS-101 - STS-101 in-flight crew portrait in the Node 1/Unity moduleSTS101-378-007 - STS-101 - STS-101 in-flight crew portrait in the Node 1/Unity module
STS101-392-015 - STS-101 - STS-101 crew on aft flight deck during dockingSTS101-392-015 - STS-101 - STS-101 crew on aft flight deck during docking
STS101-726-010 - STS-101 - STS-101 inflight crew portrait in the Node 1/Unity moduleSTS101-726-010 - STS-101 - STS-101 inflight crew portrait in the Node 1/Unity module
STS-70 crewSTS-70 crew
STS-70 preflight breakfastSTS-70 preflight breakfast
STS-101 crewSTS-101 crew
STS-101 crew on aft flight deck during dockingSTS-101 crew on aft flight deck during docking
STS-101 preflight breakfastSTS-101 preflight breakfast
Stamps of Azerbaijan, 1995-310Stamps of Azerbaijan, 1995-310
Stamp of Azerbaijan 307-310Stamp of Azerbaijan 307-310