Joseph M. Acaba

From Spacefaring


Astronaut, Hydrogeologist, science teacher

2004 class of astronauts2004 class of astronauts
Acaba with PR FlagAcaba with PR Flag
Astronauts and astronaut candidates pose for a selfieAstronauts and astronaut candidates pose for a selfie
Astronauts at the Artemis Launch PadAstronauts at the Artemis Launch Pad
Astronaut Joseph Michael AcabaAstronaut Joseph Michael Acaba
Educator AstronautsEducator Astronauts
Expedition 31 crew portraitExpedition 31 crew portrait
Expedition 54 watching The Last Jedi (iss054e004175)Expedition 54 watching The Last Jedi (iss054e004175)
Joe Acaba exercises on the Shuttle (7678544076)Joe Acaba exercises on the Shuttle (7678544076)
Joseph AcabaJoseph Acaba
Joseph Acaba in DiscoveryJoseph Acaba in Discovery
Joseph Acaba using ergometerJoseph Acaba using ergometer
Joseph Acaba v2Joseph Acaba v2
Joseph M. Acaba with a halloween t-shirt.Joseph M. Acaba with a halloween t-shirt.
Manager, NASA ISS Transportation Integration Office, Bill Spetch and NASA astronaut representative Joe Acaba watch dolphin swim along with the SpaceX GO Navigator recovery ship.Manager, NASA ISS Transportation Integration Office, Bill Spetch and NASA astronaut representative Joe Acaba watch dolphin swim along with the SpaceX GO Navigator recovery ship.
NASA Astronauts and Astronaut Candidates at the Launch PadNASA Astronauts and Astronaut Candidates at the Launch Pad
STS-119 Crew Presents Montage to President Obama DVIDS840374STS-119 Crew Presents Montage to President Obama DVIDS840374
STS-119 Day 1 Crew before launchSTS-119 Day 1 Crew before launch
STS-119 Day 5 John Phillips and Joseph AcabaSTS-119 Day 5 John Phillips and Joseph Acaba
STS-119 Day 6 Steve Swanson and Joseph AcabaSTS-119 Day 6 Steve Swanson and Joseph Acaba
STS-119 Mission PosterSTS-119 Mission Poster
Sts119 crew portraitSts119 crew portrait
The Astronauts of Expedition 53 having a funny pizza night in International Space StationThe Astronauts of Expedition 53 having a funny pizza night in International Space Station
US Navy 040506-N-0057D-004 Lt. Cmdr. Chris Cassidy, second from the right, stands in front the Space Shuttle Enterprise with retired Senator-Former Astronaut John GlennUS Navy 040506-N-0057D-004 Lt. Cmdr. Chris Cassidy, second from the right, stands in front the Space Shuttle Enterprise with retired Senator-Former Astronaut John Glenn
Vice President Visits Marshall Space Flight CenterVice President Visits Marshall Space Flight Center
linkFreebase entry@Wikidata
awardNASA Distinguished Service Medal2012decoration, award, medallion, United States of AmericaWikidata
missionExpedition 312012expedition to the International Space StationWikidata
missionExpedition 322012expedition to the International Space StationWikidata
missionExpedition 53expedition to the International Space StationWikidata
missionExpedition 54expedition to the International Space StationWikidata
missionSoyuz MS-062017Soyuz MS, space mission, human spaceflightWikidata
missionSoyuz TMA-04M2012Soyuz TMA-M, human spaceflightWikidata
missionSTS-1192009human spaceflightWikidata
image2004 class of astronauts2004Wikimedia
imageAcaba with PR Flag2009Wikimedia
imageAstronauts and astronaut candidates pose for a selfieWikimedia
imageAstronauts at the Artemis Launch PadWikimedia
imageAstronaut Joseph Michael Acaba2008Wikimedia
imageEducator Astronauts2004Wikimedia
imageExpedition 31 crew portraitWikimedia
imageExpedition 54 watching The Last Jedi (iss054e004175)Wikimedia
imageJoe Acaba exercises on the Shuttle (7678544076)2009Wikimedia
imageJoseph Acaba2004Wikimedia
imageJoseph Acaba in Discovery2009Wikimedia
imageJoseph Acaba using ergometer2009Wikimedia
imageJoseph Acaba v22008Wikimedia
imageJoseph M. Acaba with a halloween t-shirt.Wikimedia
imageManager, NASA ISS Transportation Integration Office, Bill Spetch and NASA astronaut representative Joe Acaba watch dolphin swim along with the SpaceX GO Navigator recovery ship.Wikimedia
imageNASA Astronauts and Astronaut Candidates at the Launch PadWikimedia
imageSTS-119 Crew Presents Montage to President Obama DVIDS840374Wikimedia
imageSTS-119 Day 1 Crew before launch2009Wikimedia
imageSTS-119 Day 5 John Phillips and Joseph Acaba2009Wikimedia
imageSTS-119 Day 6 Steve Swanson and Joseph Acaba2009Wikimedia
imageSTS-119 Mission Poster2009Wikimedia
imageSts119 crew portrait2008Wikimedia
imageThe Astronauts of Expedition 53 having a funny pizza night in International Space StationWikimedia
imageUS Navy 040506-N-0057D-004 Lt. Cmdr. Chris Cassidy, second from the right, stands in front the Space Shuttle Enterprise with retired Senator-Former Astronaut John Glenn2004Wikimedia
imageVice President Visits Marshall Space Flight CenterWikimedia