Stephen Bowen

From Spacefaring


American astronaut

Astronaut Stephen Bowen installs student-made hardware 2023-05-09Astronaut Stephen Bowen installs student-made hardware 2023-05-09
Astronaut Steve Bowen with Children`s Museum VisitorAstronaut Steve Bowen with Children's Museum Visitor
Bowen Massachusetts General Hospital VisitBowen Massachusetts General Hospital Visit
Five members of NASA`s Group 18 of astronaut candidates are pictured during a brief break in land survival trainingFive members of NASA's Group 18 of astronaut candidates are pictured during a brief break in land survival training
Five members of NASA`s Group 18 of astronaut candidates are pictured with a tent fashioned from parachute gear during land survival trainingFive members of NASA's Group 18 of astronaut candidates are pictured with a tent fashioned from parachute gear during land survival training
KSC-20170817-PH KLS03 0111 (36467198322)KSC-20170817-PH KLS03 0111 (36467198322)
NASA astronauts Woody Hoburg, Frank Rubio, and Stephen BowenNASA astronauts Woody Hoburg, Frank Rubio, and Stephen Bowen
P050911PS-0444 (5740873717)P050911PS-0444 (5740873717)
STS-126 FD3aSTS-126 FD3a
STS-126 Stephen Bowen and Shane Kimbrough use virtual reality hardware in the Space Vehicle Mockup FacilitySTS-126 Stephen Bowen and Shane Kimbrough use virtual reality hardware in the Space Vehicle Mockup Facility
STS-126 Stephen Bowen awaits the start of a training session in the Space Vehicle Mockup FacilitySTS-126 Stephen Bowen awaits the start of a training session in the Space Vehicle Mockup Facility
STS-126 Stephen Bowen dons a training version of the EMU spacesuitSTS-126 Stephen Bowen dons a training version of the EMU spacesuit
STS-126 Steve Bowen participates in the mission`s third EVASTS-126 Steve Bowen participates in the mission's third EVA
STS-132 and Expedition 23 crew members are pictured in the Unity nodeSTS-132 and Expedition 23 crew members are pictured in the Unity node
STS-133 Astronaut Steve Bowen Conducts SpacewalkSTS-133 Astronaut Steve Bowen Conducts Spacewalk
STS-133 Crew Meets with President Obama (201105090003HQ) DVIDS724187STS-133 Crew Meets with President Obama (201105090003HQ) DVIDS724187
SpaceX Crew-6 Commercial Crew PosterSpaceX Crew-6 Commercial Crew Poster
SpaceX Crew-6 Commercial Crew PosterSpaceX Crew-6 Commercial Crew Poster
Stephen BowenStephen Bowen
Sts132 mission posterSts132 mission poster
Three members of NASA`s Group 18 of astronaut candidates are pictured chatting with an instructor during land survival trainingThree members of NASA's Group 18 of astronaut candidates are pictured chatting with an instructor during land survival training
linkFreebase entry@Wikidata
missionExpedition 682022expedition to the International Space StationWikidata
missionExpedition 692023expedition to the International Space StationWikidata
missionSpaceX Crew-62023human spaceflight, United States of AmericaWikidata
missionSTS-1262008human spaceflightWikidata
missionSTS-1322010human spaceflightWikidata
missionSTS-1332011human spaceflightWikidata
imageAstronaut Stephen Bowen installs student-made hardware 2023-05-09Wikimedia
imageAstronaut Steve Bowen with Children's Museum VisitorWikimedia
imageBowen Massachusetts General Hospital VisitWikimedia
imageFive members of NASA's Group 18 of astronaut candidates are pictured during a brief break in land survival trainingWikimedia
imageFive members of NASA's Group 18 of astronaut candidates are pictured with a tent fashioned from parachute gear during land survival trainingWikimedia
imageKSC-20170817-PH KLS03 0111 (36467198322)Wikimedia
imageNASA astronauts Woody Hoburg, Frank Rubio, and Stephen BowenWikimedia
imageP050911PS-0444 (5740873717)Wikimedia
imageSTS-126 FD3aWikimedia
imageSTS-126 Stephen Bowen and Shane Kimbrough use virtual reality hardware in the Space Vehicle Mockup FacilityWikimedia
imageSTS-126 Stephen Bowen awaits the start of a training session in the Space Vehicle Mockup FacilityWikimedia
imageSTS-126 Stephen Bowen dons a training version of the EMU spacesuitWikimedia
imageSTS-126 Steve Bowen participates in the mission's third EVAWikimedia
imageSTS-132 and Expedition 23 crew members are pictured in the Unity nodeWikimedia
imageSTS-133 Astronaut Steve Bowen Conducts SpacewalkWikimedia
imageSTS-133 Crew Meets with President Obama (201105090003HQ) DVIDS724187Wikimedia
imageSpaceX Crew-6 Commercial Crew PosterWikimedia
imageSpaceX Crew-6 Commercial Crew PosterWikimedia
imageStephen BowenWikimedia
imageSts132 mission posterWikimedia
imageThree members of NASA's Group 18 of astronaut candidates are pictured chatting with an instructor during land survival trainingWikimedia