Vladimir Titov

From Spacefaring


Soviet and Russian cosmonaut

Russian cosmonaut Vladimir Titov works with samples for the CGBARussian cosmonaut Vladimir Titov works with samples for the CGBA
S86E5325 - STS-086 - Titov in the Spacehab moduleS86E5325 - STS-086 - Titov in the Spacehab module
STS063-312-009 - STS-063 - MS Titov photographs Charlotte on SPACEHABSTS063-312-009 - STS-063 - MS Titov photographs Charlotte on SPACEHAB
STS086-359-026 - STS-086 - Titov on aft flight deckSTS086-359-026 - STS-086 - Titov on aft flight deck
STS086-366-025 - STS-086 - Titov works with VHF radio cables on middeckSTS086-366-025 - STS-086 - Titov works with VHF radio cables on middeck
STS086-367-030 - STS-086 - Titov with short-wave radio on MirSTS086-367-030 - STS-086 - Titov with short-wave radio on Mir
STS086-371-015 - STS-086 - Various views of STS-86 and Mir 24 crewmembers on the Mir space stationSTS086-371-015 - STS-086 - Various views of STS-86 and Mir 24 crewmembers on the Mir space station
STS086-404-005 - STS-086 - Various views of STS-86 EVASTS086-404-005 - STS-086 - Various views of STS-86 EVA
STS086-729-016 - STS-086 - Views taken during the STS-86 EVASTS086-729-016 - STS-086 - Views taken during the STS-86 EVA
STS086-729-018 - STS-086 - Views taken during the STS-86 EVASTS086-729-018 - STS-086 - Views taken during the STS-86 EVA
STS086-729-021 - STS-086 - Views taken during the STS-86 EVASTS086-729-021 - STS-086 - Views taken during the STS-86 EVA
STS086-729-063 - STS-086 - Views taken during the STS-86 EVASTS086-729-063 - STS-086 - Views taken during the STS-86 EVA
STS086-729-088 - STS-086 - Views taken during the STS-86 EVASTS086-729-088 - STS-086 - Views taken during the STS-86 EVA
STS-86 crewSTS-86 crew
Soyuz T-8 Crew PortraitSoyuz T-8 Crew Portrait
Soyuz T-10-1 Crew Portrait (cropped)Soyuz T-10-1 Crew Portrait (cropped)
Sts-63 crewSts-63 crew
Titov croppedTitov cropped
linkFreebase entry@Wikidata
linkArmenian Soviet Encyclopedia, vol. 12@Wikidata
awardOrder of Lenin1983order, Soviet UnionWikidata
missionSoyuz 7K-ST No.16L1983Soyuz-T, human spaceflight, Soviet UnionWikidata
missionSoyuz T-81983Soyuz-T, human spaceflight, Soviet UnionWikidata
missionSoyuz TM-41987Soyuz-TM, human spaceflight, Soviet UnionWikidata
missionSoyuz TM-61988Soyuz-TM, human spaceflight, Soviet UnionWikidata
missionSTS-631995human spaceflightWikidata
missionSTS-861997human spaceflightWikidata
imageRussian cosmonaut Vladimir Titov works with samples for the CGBAWikimedia
imageS86E5325 - STS-086 - Titov in the Spacehab moduleWikimedia
imageSTS063-312-009 - STS-063 - MS Titov photographs Charlotte on SPACEHABWikimedia
imageSTS086-359-026 - STS-086 - Titov on aft flight deckWikimedia
imageSTS086-366-025 - STS-086 - Titov works with VHF radio cables on middeckWikimedia
imageSTS086-367-030 - STS-086 - Titov with short-wave radio on MirWikimedia
imageSTS086-371-015 - STS-086 - Various views of STS-86 and Mir 24 crewmembers on the Mir space stationWikimedia
imageSTS086-404-005 - STS-086 - Various views of STS-86 EVAWikimedia
imageSTS086-729-016 - STS-086 - Views taken during the STS-86 EVAWikimedia
imageSTS086-729-018 - STS-086 - Views taken during the STS-86 EVAWikimedia
imageSTS086-729-021 - STS-086 - Views taken during the STS-86 EVAWikimedia
imageSTS086-729-063 - STS-086 - Views taken during the STS-86 EVAWikimedia
imageSTS086-729-088 - STS-086 - Views taken during the STS-86 EVAWikimedia
imageSTS-86 crew1997Wikimedia
imageSoyuz T-8 Crew Portrait2022Wikimedia
imageSoyuz T-10-1 Crew Portrait (cropped)2022Wikimedia
imageSts-63 crew1994Wikimedia
imageTitov cropped1992Wikimedia