Thomas Akers

From Spacefaring



Assembling Structures in the Payload Bay - GPN-2000-001098Assembling Structures in the Payload Bay - GPN-2000-001098
S49-99-013 - STS-049 - STS-49 MS Akers & MS Thornton in OV-105`s payload bay during ASEM proceduresS49-99-013 - STS-049 - STS-49 MS Akers & MS Thornton in OV-105's payload bay during ASEM procedures
STS061-01-032 - STS-061 - Musgrave and Akers unpack tools for use in EVASTS061-01-032 - STS-061 - Musgrave and Akers unpack tools for use in EVA
STS061-07-004 - STS-061 - Akers and Nicollier on the aft flight deck during EVASTS061-07-004 - STS-061 - Akers and Nicollier on the aft flight deck during EVA
STS061-08-001 - STS-061 - Akers and Hoffman on the aft flight deck with personal FDF itemsSTS061-08-001 - STS-061 - Akers and Hoffman on the aft flight deck with personal FDF items
STS061-11-011 - STS-061 - In-flight STS-61 crew portraitsSTS061-11-011 - STS-061 - In-flight STS-61 crew portraits
STS061-18-012 - STS-061 - Thornton and Akers during EVA to repair Hubble Space TelescopeSTS061-18-012 - STS-061 - Thornton and Akers during EVA to repair Hubble Space Telescope
STS061-19-028 - STS-061 - STS-61 crew on flight deck for on-orbit portraitSTS061-19-028 - STS-061 - STS-61 crew on flight deck for on-orbit portrait
STS061-34-005 - STS-061 - STS-61 astronauts pose with empty EMUSTS061-34-005 - STS-061 - STS-61 astronauts pose with empty EMU
STS061-35-037 - STS-061 - Akers on middeck with damaged tetherlineSTS061-35-037 - STS-061 - Akers on middeck with damaged tetherline
STS061-40-023 - STS-061 - Various views of EVA to replace a solar array on the HSTSTS061-40-023 - STS-061 - Various views of EVA to replace a solar array on the HST
STS061-40-028 - STS-061 - Various views of EVA to replace a solar array on the HSTSTS061-40-028 - STS-061 - Various views of EVA to replace a solar array on the HST
STS061-95-048 - STS-061 - Astronauts Akers and Thornton remove one of HST solar arrays during EVASTS061-95-048 - STS-061 - Astronauts Akers and Thornton remove one of HST solar arrays during EVA
STS079-322-025 - STS-079 - STS-79 and Mir 22 crew in Base BlockSTS079-322-025 - STS-079 - STS-79 and Mir 22 crew in Base Block
STS079-336-034 - STS-079 - STS-79 and Mir 22 crew activities in Mir space stationSTS079-336-034 - STS-079 - STS-79 and Mir 22 crew activities in Mir space station
STS079-342-034 - STS-079 - STS-79 crew in Spacehab with the IMAX cameraSTS079-342-034 - STS-079 - STS-79 crew in Spacehab with the IMAX camera
STS079-343-033 - STS-079 - Views of the transfer tunnel and the Spacehab moduleSTS079-343-033 - STS-079 - Views of the transfer tunnel and the Spacehab module
STS079-350-027 - STS-079 - STS-79 and Mir 22 crew activities in the Priroda moduleSTS079-350-027 - STS-079 - STS-79 and Mir 22 crew activities in the Priroda module
STS-41 MS Akers assisted by technician on SMS middeck at JSCSTS-41 MS Akers assisted by technician on SMS middeck at JSC
STS-41 crewSTS-41 crew
STS-41 crewmembers participate in fire fighting exercises at JSCSTS-41 crewmembers participate in fire fighting exercises at JSC
STS-41 crewmembers pose on OV-103`s middeck for inflight (in-space) portraitSTS-41 crewmembers pose on OV-103's middeck for inflight (in-space) portrait
STS-41 crewmembers use fire extinguishers to control blaze at JSC`s fire pitSTS-41 crewmembers use fire extinguishers to control blaze at JSC's fire pit
Thomas Akers - Official portrait of 1987 astronaut candidateThomas Akers - Official portrait of 1987 astronaut candidate
the astronauts of NASA astronaut group 12the astronauts of NASA astronaut group 12
linkFreebase entry@Wikidata
awardNASA Distinguished Service Medal1997United States of America, decoration, medallion, awardWikidata
missionSTS-411990human spaceflightWikidata
missionSTS-491992human spaceflightWikidata
missionSTS-611993human spaceflightWikidata
missionSTS-791996human spaceflightWikidata
imageAssembling Structures in the Payload Bay - GPN-2000-0010981992Wikimedia
imageS49-99-013 - STS-049 - STS-49 MS Akers & MS Thornton in OV-105's payload bay during ASEM proceduresWikimedia
imageSTS061-01-032 - STS-061 - Musgrave and Akers unpack tools for use in EVAWikimedia
imageSTS061-07-004 - STS-061 - Akers and Nicollier on the aft flight deck during EVAWikimedia
imageSTS061-08-001 - STS-061 - Akers and Hoffman on the aft flight deck with personal FDF itemsWikimedia
imageSTS061-11-011 - STS-061 - In-flight STS-61 crew portraitsWikimedia
imageSTS061-18-012 - STS-061 - Thornton and Akers during EVA to repair Hubble Space TelescopeWikimedia
imageSTS061-19-028 - STS-061 - STS-61 crew on flight deck for on-orbit portraitWikimedia
imageSTS061-34-005 - STS-061 - STS-61 astronauts pose with empty EMUWikimedia
imageSTS061-35-037 - STS-061 - Akers on middeck with damaged tetherlineWikimedia
imageSTS061-40-023 - STS-061 - Various views of EVA to replace a solar array on the HSTWikimedia
imageSTS061-40-028 - STS-061 - Various views of EVA to replace a solar array on the HSTWikimedia
imageSTS061-95-048 - STS-061 - Astronauts Akers and Thornton remove one of HST solar arrays during EVAWikimedia
imageSTS079-322-025 - STS-079 - STS-79 and Mir 22 crew in Base BlockWikimedia
imageSTS079-336-034 - STS-079 - STS-79 and Mir 22 crew activities in Mir space stationWikimedia
imageSTS079-342-034 - STS-079 - STS-79 crew in Spacehab with the IMAX cameraWikimedia
imageSTS079-343-033 - STS-079 - Views of the transfer tunnel and the Spacehab moduleWikimedia
imageSTS079-350-027 - STS-079 - STS-79 and Mir 22 crew activities in the Priroda moduleWikimedia
imageSTS-41 MS Akers assisted by technician on SMS middeck at JSC1990Wikimedia
imageSTS-41 crew1990Wikimedia
imageSTS-41 crewmembers participate in fire fighting exercises at JSC1990Wikimedia
imageSTS-41 crewmembers pose on OV-103's middeck for inflight (in-space) portraitWikimedia
imageSTS-41 crewmembers use fire extinguishers to control blaze at JSC's fire pit1990Wikimedia
imageThomas Akers - Official portrait of 1987 astronaut candidateWikimedia
imagethe astronauts of NASA astronaut group 121987Wikimedia