Astronauts George Zamka and Stephanie Wilson, STS-120 pilot and mission specialist, respectively, take a moment to pose for a photo on the flight deck of Space Shuttle Discovery
Astronauts Lisa M. Nowak (foreground) and Stephanie D. Wilson, STS-121 mission specialists, participate in a training session in the virtual reality lab at the Johnson Space Center.
Astronauts Lisa M. Nowak (left) and Stephanie D. Wilson, STS-121 mission specialists, pose for a photo on the flight deck of the Space Shuttle Discovery
Astronauts at the Artemis Launch Pad
Astronaut Stephanie D. Wilson, STS-121 mission specialist, works with equipment on the middeck of the Space Shuttle Discovery
Crew arrives at Kennedy
Japan Aerospace Exploration astronaut Naoko Yamazaki (left) joins NASA astronauts Stephanie Wilson and T.J. Creamer in the "busy" Destiny laboratory aboard the International Space Station.
NASA astronauts Stephanie Wilson and Mark Vande Hei are on the CAPCOM console monitoring the spacewalk being conducted by Expedition 61 Flight Engineers Christina Koch and Jessica Meir.
NASA astronaut Alan Poindexter, STS-131 commander; along with NASA astronaut Stephanie Wilson (center) and Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) astronaut Naoko Yamazaki, both mission specialists, pose for a photo in the Destiny laboratory
NASA astronaut Stephanie Wilson, STS-131 mission specialist, poses for a photo near a window in the Kibo laboratory of the International Space Station
Portrait Astronaut Stephanie Wilson 2019 (cropped)
S120E008011 - STS-120 - Parazynski on ergometer on middeck
S121E05909 - STS-121 - Nowak and Wilson work at the SSRMS during STS-121/Exp. 13 OPS
S121E06129 - STS-121 - Group shot of Nowak,Fossum and Wilson on the MDK during STS-121 / Expedition 13 joint operations
STS-120 Stephanie Wilson poses for a portrait following a pre-flight press conference at JSC
STS-120 crewmembers gather in the Orbiter Docking Compartment (ODS)
STS-121 Walkout-4-7-6
STS-121 crew
STS-131 Stephanie Wilson uses a handheld laser ranging device
STS-131 Stephanie Wilson works at the robotic workstation inside the U.S. Destiny Laboratory
STS-131 Wilson and Mastracchio on Flight Deck during Rendezvous OPS
STS-131 and Expedition 23 crew members gather for a group portrait
SpaceX Crew-9 Stephanie Wilson poses for a portrait at NASA's Johnson Space Center