Theodore Freeman

From Spacefaring


American astronaut (1930-1964)

ANCExplorer Theodore Freeman graveANCExplorer Theodore Freeman grave
Aftermath of Freeman T-38 crashAftermath of Freeman T-38 crash
Aldrin and FreemanAldrin and Freeman
Astronauts Visit McMath-Pierce Solar Telescope (AstronautBrief64-CC)Astronauts Visit McMath-Pierce Solar Telescope (AstronautBrief64-CC)
Astronaut Group Three AnnotatedAstronaut Group Three Annotated
Don E. Wilhelms briefing astronautsDon E. Wilhelms briefing astronauts
NASA Astronauts Desert Survival Training - GPN-2002-000014NASA Astronauts Desert Survival Training - GPN-2002-000014
Portrait of third group of NASA astronautsPortrait of third group of NASA astronauts
Space Mirror Memorial, Theodore Freeman, Space Shuttle ChallengerSpace Mirror Memorial, Theodore Freeman, Space Shuttle Challenger
Theodore Cordy FreemanTheodore Cordy Freeman