Alvin Drew

From Spacefaring


American astronaut

2015 Gathering of Eagles 150604-F-ZI558-0152015 Gathering of Eagles 150604-F-ZI558-015
Alvin DrewAlvin Drew
Alvin drew-2007Alvin drew-2007
Gathering of Eagles 2015 150603-F-ZI558-765Gathering of Eagles 2015 150603-F-ZI558-765
Gathering of Eagles 2015 150603-F-ZI558-781Gathering of Eagles 2015 150603-F-ZI558-781
Gathering of Eagles 2015 150603-F-ZI558-804Gathering of Eagles 2015 150603-F-ZI558-804
Gathering of Eagles 2015 150605-F-ZI558-001Gathering of Eagles 2015 150605-F-ZI558-001
NASA Astronaut Group 18NASA Astronaut Group 18
NASA M-113 unit 3NASA M-113 unit 3
National Space Council Executive Order (NHQ201706300003)National Space Council Executive Order (NHQ201706300003)
P050911PS-0444 (5740873717)P050911PS-0444 (5740873717)
STS133 Benjamin Drew Jan10STS133 Benjamin Drew Jan10
STS-118 and Expedition 15 crews pose for an in-space crew portraitSTS-118 and Expedition 15 crews pose for an in-space crew portrait
STS-118 astronauts pause for an informal crew portrait at the conclusion a STS-118 pre-flight press briefingSTS-118 astronauts pause for an informal crew portrait at the conclusion a STS-118 pre-flight press briefing
STS-118 crewmembers exit the Operations and Checkout BuildingSTS-118 crewmembers exit the Operations and Checkout Building
STS-118 crewmembers exit the Operations and Checkout Building (1)STS-118 crewmembers exit the Operations and Checkout Building (1)
STS-118 crew lrSTS-118 crew lr
STS-118 crew members pose for a photo during a cake-cutting ceremonySTS-118 crew members pose for a photo during a cake-cutting ceremony
STS-133 Crew bailout trainingSTS-133 Crew bailout training
STS-133 Official Crew PhotoSTS-133 Official Crew Photo
Sts133 mission posterSts133 mission poster
Sts-118 leave crew compartmentSts-118 leave crew compartment
The STS-118 crewmembers and JSC director Michael Coats are photographed during the STS-118 crew return ceremonyThe STS-118 crewmembers and JSC director Michael Coats are photographed during the STS-118 crew return ceremony
The STS-118 crew poses for an in-space crew portraitThe STS-118 crew poses for an in-space crew portrait
s133E006721 - STS-133 - Drew exercises on middecks133E006721 - STS-133 - Drew exercises on middeck
linkFreebase entry@Wikidata
missionSTS-1182007human spaceflightWikidata
missionSTS-1332011human spaceflightWikidata
image2015 Gathering of Eagles 150604-F-ZI558-015Wikimedia
imageAlvin DrewWikimedia
imageAlvin drew-20072007Wikimedia
imageGathering of Eagles 2015 150603-F-ZI558-765Wikimedia
imageGathering of Eagles 2015 150603-F-ZI558-781Wikimedia
imageGathering of Eagles 2015 150603-F-ZI558-804Wikimedia
imageGathering of Eagles 2015 150605-F-ZI558-001Wikimedia
imageNASA Astronaut Group 182000Wikimedia
imageNASA M-113 unit 32007Wikimedia
imageNational Space Council Executive Order (NHQ201706300003)Wikimedia
imageP050911PS-0444 (5740873717)Wikimedia
imageSTS133 Benjamin Drew Jan102010Wikimedia
imageSTS-118 and Expedition 15 crews pose for an in-space crew portrait2007Wikimedia
imageSTS-118 astronauts pause for an informal crew portrait at the conclusion a STS-118 pre-flight press briefing2007Wikimedia
imageSTS-118 crewmembers exit the Operations and Checkout BuildingWikimedia
imageSTS-118 crewmembers exit the Operations and Checkout Building (1)Wikimedia
imageSTS-118 crew lr2007Wikimedia
imageSTS-118 crew members pose for a photo during a cake-cutting ceremonyWikimedia
imageSTS-133 Crew bailout training2010Wikimedia
imageSTS-133 Official Crew Photo2010Wikimedia
imageSts133 mission poster2010Wikimedia
imageSts-118 leave crew compartment2007Wikimedia
imageThe STS-118 crewmembers and JSC director Michael Coats are photographed during the STS-118 crew return ceremonyWikimedia
imageThe STS-118 crew poses for an in-space crew portraitWikimedia
images133E006721 - STS-133 - Drew exercises on middeckWikimedia