
From Spacefaring


human spaceflight

51F-34-025 - STS-51F - Plasma Diagnostics Package (PDP) drifts in space51F-34-025 - STS-51F - Plasma Diagnostics Package (PDP) drifts in space
51F-040-000 - STS-51F51F-040-000 - STS-51F
Coca Cola can designed for STS-51-FCoca Cola can designed for STS-51-F
Coca Cola can designed for STS-51-F (cropped)Coca Cola can designed for STS-51-F (cropped)
Gordon Fullerton, STS-51F mission commander, seen here with a Coca-Cola canGordon Fullerton, STS-51F mission commander, seen here with a Coca-Cola can
Karl Henize, STS-51F mission specialist, creates frothy, fizzing Pepsi soda balls during the Carbonated Beverage Dispenser Evaluation on board the space shuttle ChallengerKarl Henize, STS-51F mission specialist, creates frothy, fizzing Pepsi soda balls during the Carbonated Beverage Dispenser Evaluation on board the space shuttle Challenger
Karl Henize, STS-51F mission specialist, drinks from a Pepsi can on the mid-deck of space shuttle ChallengerKarl Henize, STS-51F mission specialist, drinks from a Pepsi can on the mid-deck of space shuttle Challenger
Photographic documentation showing STS-51F crew activities. Views include: Mission Specialist (MS) F. Story Musgrave with liquid drop in front of him.Photographic documentation showing STS-51F crew activities. Views include: Mission Specialist (MS) F. Story Musgrave with liquid drop in front of him.
Photographic documentation showing STS-51F crew activities. View of ball of liquid floating.Photographic documentation showing STS-51F crew activities. View of ball of liquid floating.
STS-51F payload specialist Loren Acton evaluates a Pepsi space sodaSTS-51F payload specialist Loren Acton evaluates a Pepsi space soda
STS-51F (15021931378)STS-51F (15021931378)
STS-51-F Mission Specialist (MS) Karl G. Henize creating a circular drop from a container.STS-51-F Mission Specialist (MS) Karl G. Henize creating a circular drop from a container.
STS-51-F crew posing at preflight press conferenceSTS-51-F crew posing at preflight press conference
Spacelab 2 missionSpacelab 2 mission
Sts51F flight insigniaSts51F flight insignia
The STS-51-F crew poses togetherThe STS-51-F crew poses together
The STS-51-F crew poses togetherThe STS-51-F crew poses together
linkNASA Space Science Data Coordinated Archive entry@Wikidata
linkFreebase entry@Wikidata
majorlanding Edwards Air Force Base1985Wikidata
majorrocket launch Kennedy Space Center Launch Complex 39A1985Wikidata
personAnthony W. EnglandWikidata
personC. Gordon FullertonWikidata
personJohn-David F. BartoeWikidata
personKarl Gordon HenizeWikidata
personLoren ActonWikidata
personRoy D. Bridges Jr.Wikidata
personStory MusgraveWikidata
image51F-34-025 - STS-51F - Plasma Diagnostics Package (PDP) drifts in spaceWikimedia
image51F-040-000 - STS-51FWikimedia
imageCoca Cola can designed for STS-51-F1986Wikimedia
imageCoca Cola can designed for STS-51-F (cropped)1986Wikimedia
imageGordon Fullerton, STS-51F mission commander, seen here with a Coca-Cola canWikimedia
imageKarl Henize, STS-51F mission specialist, creates frothy, fizzing Pepsi soda balls during the Carbonated Beverage Dispenser Evaluation on board the space shuttle ChallengerWikimedia
imageKarl Henize, STS-51F mission specialist, drinks from a Pepsi can on the mid-deck of space shuttle ChallengerWikimedia
imagePhotographic documentation showing STS-51F crew activities. Views include: Mission Specialist (MS) F. Story Musgrave with liquid drop in front of him.Wikimedia
imagePhotographic documentation showing STS-51F crew activities. View of ball of liquid floating.Wikimedia
imageSTS-51F payload specialist Loren Acton evaluates a Pepsi space sodaWikimedia
imageSTS-51F (15021931378)1985Wikimedia
imageSTS-51-F Mission Specialist (MS) Karl G. Henize creating a circular drop from a container.Wikimedia
imageSTS-51-F crew posing at preflight press conference1985Wikimedia
imageSpacelab 2 mission1981Wikimedia
imageSts51F flight insignia1985Wikimedia
imageThe STS-51-F crew poses together1985Wikimedia
imageThe STS-51-F crew poses together1985Wikimedia