Johannes Kepler ATV

From Spacefaring

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European uncrewed cargo resupply spacecraft


Automated Transfer Vehicle 002ATV-002 Johannes KeplerATV-002
Automated Transfer VehicleEuropean Space AgencyEdoardo Amaldi ATVlow Earth orbitArianespaceThales Alenia SpaceSpace SystemsJules Verne ATVAriane 5ESFrance

STS-133 International Space Station after undocking (close-up).jpg,
View of ATV-2 - cropped and rotated.jpg

  • NASA Space Science Data Coordinated Archive entry@
  • Freebase entry@

docking and berthing of spacecraft International Space Station
rocket launch ELA-3
atmospheric entry
ATV to OrionATV to Orion
ATV-2 DiagramATV-2 Diagram
ATV-2 Diagram-frATV-2 Diagram-fr
ATV-2 approaching the ISSATV-2 approaching the ISS
ATV-2 departs the ISS 1ATV-2 departs the ISS 1
ATV-2 departs the ISS 2ATV-2 departs the ISS 2
ATV-2 departs the ISS 3ATV-2 departs the ISS 3
ATV-2 departs the ISS 4ATV-2 departs the ISS 4
ATV-2 docked to the ISSATV-2 docked to the ISS
ATV-2 docked to the ISS - croppedATV-2 docked to the ISS - cropped
ATV-2 launch from ISSATV-2 launch from ISS
ISS-26 ATV-2 Johannes Kepler docks to ZvezdaISS-26 ATV-2 Johannes Kepler docks to Zvezda
ISS-27 STS-134 Paolo Nespoli and Roberto Vittori in the ATVISS-27 STS-134 Paolo Nespoli and Roberto Vittori in the ATV
STS-133 ISS view from DiscoverySTS-133 ISS view from Discovery
STS-133 International Space Station after undocking (close-up)STS-133 International Space Station after undocking (close-up)
STS-133 Nicole Stott and Michael Barratt in the ATV-2STS-133 Nicole Stott and Michael Barratt in the ATV-2
STS-134 EVA4 view to the Russian Orbital SegmentSTS-134 EVA4 view to the Russian Orbital Segment
STS-134 International Space Station after undocking 10STS-134 International Space Station after undocking 10
View of ATV-2 - cropped and rotatedView of ATV-2 - cropped and rotated
linkNASA Space Science Data Coordinated Archive entry@Wikidata
linkFreebase entry@Wikidata
majordocking and berthing of spacecraft International Space Station2011Wikidata
majorrocket launch ELA-32011Wikidata
minoratmospheric entry2011Wikidata
audioEspace-l'atv2 en route vers l'issWN2011Wikimedia
imageATV to Orion2016Wikimedia
imageATV-2 Diagram2010Wikimedia
imageATV-2 Diagram-fr2010Wikimedia
imageATV-2 approaching the ISS2011Wikimedia
imageATV-2 departs the ISS 12011Wikimedia
imageATV-2 departs the ISS 22011Wikimedia
imageATV-2 departs the ISS 32011Wikimedia
imageATV-2 departs the ISS 42011Wikimedia
imageATV-2 docked to the ISS2011Wikimedia
imageATV-2 docked to the ISS - cropped2011Wikimedia
imageATV-2 launch from ISS2011Wikimedia
imageISS-26 ATV-2 Johannes Kepler docks to Zvezda2011Wikimedia
imageISS-27 STS-134 Paolo Nespoli and Roberto Vittori in the ATV2011Wikimedia
imageSTS-133 ISS view from Discovery2011Wikimedia
imageSTS-133 International Space Station after undocking (close-up)2011Wikimedia
imageSTS-133 Nicole Stott and Michael Barratt in the ATV-22011Wikimedia
imageSTS-134 EVA4 view to the Russian Orbital Segment2011Wikimedia
imageSTS-134 International Space Station after undocking 102011Wikimedia
imageView of ATV-2 - cropped and rotated2011Wikimedia