
From Spacefaring


air-launched rocket

A Northrop Grumman Pegasus XL at the Udvar-Hazy Center.A Northrop Grumman Pegasus XL at the Udvar-Hazy Center.
Esquema lanzamiento folleto SAC-BEsquema lanzamiento folleto SAC-B
Hyper-X and Pegasus Launch Vehicle, A Three-Foot Model of the Hypersonic Experimental Research Vehic DVIDS696534Hyper-X and Pegasus Launch Vehicle, A Three-Foot Model of the Hypersonic Experimental Research Vehic DVIDS696534
Hyper-X and Pegasus Launch Vehicle, A Three-Foot Model of the Hypersonic Experimental Research Vehic DVIDS704237Hyper-X and Pegasus Launch Vehicle, A Three-Foot Model of the Hypersonic Experimental Research Vehic DVIDS704237
NASA crew performs final preparations on the X-43A.NASA crew performs final preparations on the X-43A.
Northrop Grumman L-1011 Stargazer takes off from CCAFSNorthrop Grumman L-1011 Stargazer takes off from CCAFS
Northrop Grumman L-1011 Stargazer with Pegasus XL carrying ICONNorthrop Grumman L-1011 Stargazer with Pegasus XL carrying ICON
Northrop Grumman’s L-1011 Stargazer is being readied on Oct. 14, 2018, at the Vandenberg Air Force Base hot pad. The company’s Pegasus XL rocket, containing NASA’s Ionospheric Connection Explorer, or ICON, is attached beneath the aircraft.Northrop Grumman’s L-1011 Stargazer is being readied on Oct. 14, 2018, at the Vandenberg Air Force Base hot pad. The company’s Pegasus XL rocket, containing NASA’s Ionospheric Connection Explorer, or ICON, is attached beneath the aircraft.
Pegasus Rocket Model DVIDS706179Pegasus Rocket Model DVIDS706179
Pegasus Rocket Wing and PHYSX Glove Being Prepared for Stress Loads Testing DVIDS694565Pegasus Rocket Wing and PHYSX Glove Being Prepared for Stress Loads Testing DVIDS694565
Pegasus Rocket Wing and PHYSX Glove Undergoes Stress Loads Testing DVIDS729916Pegasus Rocket Wing and PHYSX Glove Undergoes Stress Loads Testing DVIDS729916
Pegasus - GPN-2003-00045Pegasus - GPN-2003-00045
SCD-1 no fogueteSCD-1 no foguete
Swas rock allSwas rock all
The Northrop Grumman L-1011 Stargazer aircraft lands on Oct. 19, 2018 at the Skid Strip at Cape Canaveral Air Force Station.The Northrop Grumman L-1011 Stargazer aircraft lands on Oct. 19, 2018 at the Skid Strip at Cape Canaveral Air Force Station.
X-43A and its booster rocket tucked under B-52B wing (4857948029)X-43A and its booster rocket tucked under B-52B wing (4857948029)
X-43A and its booster rocket tucked under B-52B wing (4857948029, cropped)X-43A and its booster rocket tucked under B-52B wing (4857948029, cropped)
linkFreebase entry@Wikidata
vehiclePegasus1987rocket family, aerial rocket, expendable launch vehicleWikidata
vesselAeronomy of Ice in the Mesosphere2007Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics, Earth observation satelliteWikidata
vesselArray of Low-Energy X-ray Imaging Sensors1993technology demonstration spacecraft, X-ray telescope, Los Alamos National Laboratory, space telescopeWikidata
vesselBATSAT1998former entity, spacecraftWikidata
vesselCelestis 011997Celestis, artificial satelliteWikidata
vesselC/NOFS2008military satelliteWikidata
vesselDemonstration for Autonomous Rendezvous Technology2005technology demonstration spacecraft, former entity, National Aeronautics and Space Administration, United States of AmericaWikidata
vesselFORTE1997military satelliteWikidata
vesselFast Auroral Snapshot Explorer1996Earth observation satelliteWikidata
vesselGalaxy Evolution Explorer2003artificial satellite of the Earth, space telescope, National Aeronautics and Space AdministrationWikidata
vesselGravity and Extreme Magnetism Small ExplorerOrbital Sciences Corporation, abandoned project, Goddard Space Flight Center, space telescopeWikidata
vesselHETE 11996artificial satelliteWikidata
vesselHigh Energy Transient Explorer 2 HETE 22000artificial satelliteWikidata
vesselHigh Energy Transient Explorerspace telescopeWikidata
vesselInterface Region Imaging Spectrograph2013Lockheed Martin Solar and Astrophysics Laboratory, solar observatory, Ames Research Center, space telescopeWikidata
vesselInterstellar Boundary Explorer2009research satellite, Southwest Research Institute, artificial satellite of the EarthWikidata
vesselIonospheric Connection Explorer2019Space Sciences Laboratory, Earth observation satelliteWikidata
vesselMSTI-31996military satelliteWikidata
vesselMUBLCOM1999communications satelliteWikidata
vesselMicrolab 11995artificial satelliteWikidata
vesselNuclear Spectroscopic Telescope Array2012University of California, Berkeley, space telescope, United States of AmericaWikidata
vesselOXP 11993spacecraftWikidata
vesselOrbView-21997GeoEye, Earth observation satelliteWikidata
vesselPEGSAT1990Earth observation satelliteWikidata
vesselReuven Ramaty High Energy Solar Spectroscopic Imager2002former entity, artificial satellite of the Earth, solar observatory, space telescope, National Aeronautics and Space AdministrationWikidata
vesselSAC-B1996artificial satellite, ArgentinaWikidata
vesselSCD-11993Satélite de Coleta de Dados, artificial satellite of the Earth, BrazilWikidata
vesselSCD-21998Satélite de Coleta de DadosWikidata
vesselSCISAT-12003Canadian Space Agency, Earth observation satelliteWikidata
vesselSECS1990military satelliteWikidata
vesselSolar Radiation and Climate Experiment2003Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics, space telescope, National Aeronautics and Space Administration, United States of AmericaWikidata
vesselSpace Technology 52006technology demonstration spacecraft, Earth observation satellite, National Aeronautics and Space AdministrationWikidata
vesselStudent Nitric Oxide Explorer1998Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics, Earth observation satelliteWikidata
vesselSubmillimeter Wave Astronomy Satellite1998space telescopeWikidata
vesselTERRIERS1999Earth observation satelliteWikidata
vesselTOMS-EP1996derelict satellite, Earth observation satellite, Goddard Space Flight CenterWikidata
vesselTSX-52000technology demonstration spacecraftWikidata
vesselTransition Region And Coronal Explorer1998space telescopeWikidata
vesselWide-Field Infrared Explorer1999former entity, Bowie State University, Goddard Space Flight Center, space telescope, United States of AmericaWikidata
imageA Northrop Grumman Pegasus XL at the Udvar-Hazy Center.2018Wikimedia
imageEsquema lanzamiento folleto SAC-BWikimedia
imageHyper-X and Pegasus Launch Vehicle, A Three-Foot Model of the Hypersonic Experimental Research Vehic DVIDS696534Wikimedia
imageHyper-X and Pegasus Launch Vehicle, A Three-Foot Model of the Hypersonic Experimental Research Vehic DVIDS704237Wikimedia
imageNASA crew performs final preparations on the X-43A.2004Wikimedia
imageNorthrop Grumman L-1011 Stargazer takes off from CCAFS2019Wikimedia
imageNorthrop Grumman L-1011 Stargazer with Pegasus XL carrying ICON2018Wikimedia
imageNorthrop Grumman’s L-1011 Stargazer is being readied on Oct. 14, 2018, at the Vandenberg Air Force Base hot pad. The company’s Pegasus XL rocket, containing NASA’s Ionospheric Connection Explorer, or ICON, is attached beneath the aircraft.Wikimedia
imagePegasus Rocket Model DVIDS706179Wikimedia
imagePegasus Rocket Wing and PHYSX Glove Being Prepared for Stress Loads Testing DVIDS694565Wikimedia
imagePegasus Rocket Wing and PHYSX Glove Undergoes Stress Loads Testing DVIDS729916Wikimedia
imagePegasus - GPN-2003-00045Wikimedia
imageSCD-1 no foguete1992Wikimedia
imageSwas rock all1998Wikimedia
imageThe Northrop Grumman L-1011 Stargazer aircraft lands on Oct. 19, 2018 at the Skid Strip at Cape Canaveral Air Force Station.Wikimedia
imageX-43A and its booster rocket tucked under B-52B wing (4857948029)2004Wikimedia
imageX-43A and its booster rocket tucked under B-52B wing (4857948029, cropped)2004Wikimedia
videoWhen NASA's DART spacecraft launches into space, it will be carried aboard one of the most inventive and clever vehicles ever devised. DART will soar into the sky on the nose of a Pegasus XL rocket.2004Wikimedia