Luna 25

From Spacefaring


Russian lunar lander, lost after an engine overburn and resulting crash on the lunar surface


Luna-Glob Lander, (see also Luna 25A)
former entitylunar landerLuna-GlobRussian Space Research InstituteLuna 24Soyuz-2.1bRoscosmos State CorporationNPO LavochkinRussia

Maquette-Luna-Glob-Lander-b-DSC 0075.jpg

  • NASA Space Science Data Coordinated Archive entry@
  • Google Knowledge entry@

lunar impact
005 Луна 25005 Луна 25
LROC NAC image enlarged four times centered on the likely Luna 25 crater. Image width is 275 meters; north is up. (Frame No. M1447547309R)LROC NAC image enlarged four times centered on the likely Luna 25 crater. Image width is 275 meters; north is up. (Frame No. M1447547309R)
Luna 25 mission patchLuna 25 mission patch
Luna-25 impact crater LROC NAC M1447547309R 01Luna-25 impact crater LROC NAC M1447547309R 01
Luna-25 impact crater LROC NAC M1447547309R (4x Enlarged)Luna-25 impact crater LROC NAC M1447547309R (4x Enlarged)
Maquette Luna-Glob Lander DSC 0075Maquette Luna-Glob Lander DSC 0075
Maquette-Luna-Glob-Lander-b-DSC 0075Maquette-Luna-Glob-Lander-b-DSC 0075
Suggested landing ellipses for Luna-GlobSuggested landing ellipses for Luna-Glob
Suggested landing ellipses for Luna-Glob (Luna-25). Primary ellipses are 1, 4, 6 and secondary ellipses are 2, 3, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and B1, B2.Suggested landing ellipses for Luna-Glob (Luna-25). Primary ellipses are 1, 4, 6 and secondary ellipses are 2, 3, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and B1, B2.
The region of the South Pole of the Moon, indicating the planned landing sites for Luna-25The region of the South Pole of the Moon, indicating the planned landing sites for Luna-25
This image is 1,100 meters wide, and lunar north is up. (LROC NAC frame No. M1447547309R)This image is 1,100 meters wide, and lunar north is up. (LROC NAC frame No. M1447547309R)