From Spacefaring
space probe mission
Website, Wikimedia, Wikidata
Bepi-Colombo, Bepi Colombo,
space probe, space mission, Ariane flight VA245, Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency, CHEOPS, Ariane 5 ECA, ELA-3, Airbus, LISA Pathfinder, Arianespace, European Space Agency, Institute of Space and Astronautical Science, Japan, France,
- NASA Space Science Data Coordinated Archive entry@
- NASA Space Science Data Coordinated Archive entry@
- Freebase entry@
- Space Science Reviews BepiColombo Science Investigations During Cruise and Flybys at the Earth, Venus and Mercury@
rocket launch ELA-3
orbital activity
• BepiColombo, imaged at Northolt Branch Observatories, 16 hours after the Earth flyby. At the time, the spacecraft was visible at 15th magnitude, at a distance of 280,000 km from Earth. (Wikimedia)