Soyuz TMA-21

From Spacefaring


2011 Russian crewed spaceflight to the ISS

landing Kazakhstan
rocket launch Gagarin's Start
Aleksandr Samokutyayev 2011Aleksandr Samokutyayev 2011
Andrei Borisenko 2011Andrei Borisenko 2011
Expedition 27 Prepares to LaunchExpedition 27 Prepares to Launch
Expedition 27 Waves FarewellExpedition 27 Waves Farewell
Expedition 27 Waves Farewell-2Expedition 27 Waves Farewell-2
ISS ESA331421ISS ESA331421
Ronald J. GaranRonald J. Garan
Ron Garan in Front of Soyuz BoosterRon Garan in Front of Soyuz Booster
STS-134 EVA4 view to the Russian Orbital SegmentSTS-134 EVA4 view to the Russian Orbital Segment
STS-134 International Space Station after undocking 10STS-134 International Space Station after undocking 10
Soyuz TMA-21 Crew during a training at Johnson Space CenterSoyuz TMA-21 Crew during a training at Johnson Space Center
Soyuz TMA-21 Crew in front of the capsuleSoyuz TMA-21 Crew in front of the capsule
Soyuz TMA-21 crewSoyuz TMA-21 crew
Soyuz TMA-21 crew in front of St. Basil`s CathedralSoyuz TMA-21 crew in front of St. Basil's Cathedral
Soyuz TMA-21 crew in front of the capsuleSoyuz TMA-21 crew in front of the capsule
Soyuz TMA-21 crew in front of the capsule-2Soyuz TMA-21 crew in front of the capsule-2
Soyuz TMA-21 departs from the ISSSoyuz TMA-21 departs from the ISS
Soyuz TMA-21 launches from the Baikonur CosmodromeSoyuz TMA-21 launches from the Baikonur Cosmodrome
Soyuz TMA-21 launch (Expedition 27)Soyuz TMA-21 launch (Expedition 27)
Soyuz TMA-21 prime and backup crews in front of the Tsar CannonSoyuz TMA-21 prime and backup crews in front of the Tsar Cannon
Soyuz TMA-21 spacecraft is lifted into position on the launch padSoyuz TMA-21 spacecraft is lifted into position on the launch pad
Soyuz TMA-21 spacecraft is rolled out by trainSoyuz TMA-21 spacecraft is rolled out by train
TMA-21 GagarinTMA-21 Gagarin
The Soyuz TMA-21 spacecraft departs from the International Space StationThe Soyuz TMA-21 spacecraft departs from the International Space Station
linkFreebase entry@Wikidata
majorlanding Kazakhstan2011Wikidata
majorrocket launch Gagarin's Start2011Wikidata
personAleksandr SamokutyayevRussiaWikidata
personAndrey BorisenkoWikidata
personRonald J. GaranWikidata
imageAleksandr Samokutyayev 20112011Wikimedia
imageAndrei Borisenko 20112011Wikimedia
imageExpedition 27 Prepares to Launch2011Wikimedia
imageExpedition 27 Waves Farewell2011Wikimedia
imageExpedition 27 Waves Farewell-22011Wikimedia
imageISS ESA3314212014Wikimedia
imageRonald J. Garan2010Wikimedia
imageRon Garan in Front of Soyuz Booster2011Wikimedia
imageSTS-134 EVA4 view to the Russian Orbital Segment2011Wikimedia
imageSTS-134 International Space Station after undocking 102011Wikimedia
imageSoyuz TMA-21 Crew during a training at Johnson Space Center2010Wikimedia
imageSoyuz TMA-21 Crew in front of the capsule2011Wikimedia
imageSoyuz TMA-21 crew2011Wikimedia
imageSoyuz TMA-21 crew in front of St. Basil's Cathedral2011Wikimedia
imageSoyuz TMA-21 crew in front of the capsule2011Wikimedia
imageSoyuz TMA-21 crew in front of the capsule-22011Wikimedia
imageSoyuz TMA-21 departs from the ISS2011Wikimedia
imageSoyuz TMA-21 launches from the Baikonur Cosmodrome2011Wikimedia
imageSoyuz TMA-21 launch (Expedition 27)2011Wikimedia
imageSoyuz TMA-21 prime and backup crews in front of the Tsar Cannon2011Wikimedia
imageSoyuz TMA-21 spacecraft is lifted into position on the launch pad2011Wikimedia
imageSoyuz TMA-21 spacecraft is rolled out by train2011Wikimedia
imageTMA-21 Gagarin2017Wikimedia
imageThe Soyuz TMA-21 spacecraft departs from the International Space Station2011Wikimedia