Soyuz TMA-20

From Spacefaring


long-duration Roscosmos spaceflight to the International Space Station

landing Kazakhstan
rocket launch Gagarin's Start
Dmitri Kondratyev 2010Dmitri Kondratyev 2010
Expedition 26 Soyuz TMA-20 Arrives At Launch PadExpedition 26 Soyuz TMA-20 Arrives At Launch Pad
Expedition 26 Soyuz TMA-20 RolloutExpedition 26 Soyuz TMA-20 Rollout
Expedition 27 Soyuz TMA-20 spacecraftExpedition 27 Soyuz TMA-20 spacecraft
Kondratyev and Coleman duing a fit checkKondratyev and Coleman duing a fit check
STS-133 ISS-26 newly-attached Permanent Multipurpose ModuleSTS-133 ISS-26 newly-attached Permanent Multipurpose Module
Soyuz TMA-20 Catherine Coleman plants a treeSoyuz TMA-20 Catherine Coleman plants a tree
Soyuz TMA-20 CrewSoyuz TMA-20 Crew
Soyuz TMA-20 Crew in front of the capsuleSoyuz TMA-20 Crew in front of the capsule
Soyuz TMA-20 crewSoyuz TMA-20 crew
Soyuz TMA-20 crew at the Kremlin WallSoyuz TMA-20 crew at the Kremlin Wall
Soyuz TMA-20 crew members wave farewellSoyuz TMA-20 crew members wave farewell
Soyuz TMA-20 departs ISS1Soyuz TMA-20 departs ISS1
Soyuz TMA-20 docked with the Rassvet moduleSoyuz TMA-20 docked with the Rassvet module
Soyuz TMA-20 prime and backup crews in front of St. Basil`s CathedralSoyuz TMA-20 prime and backup crews in front of St. Basil's Cathedral
Soyuz TMA-20 prime and backup crews in front of the Tsar CannonSoyuz TMA-20 prime and backup crews in front of the Tsar Cannon
Soyuz TMA-20 rocket launchesSoyuz TMA-20 rocket launches
Soyuz TMA-20 rocket launches 1Soyuz TMA-20 rocket launches 1
Soyuz TMA-20 rocket launches 2Soyuz TMA-20 rocket launches 2
Soyuz TMA-20 spacecraft approaches the ISS 1Soyuz TMA-20 spacecraft approaches the ISS 1
Soyuz TMA-20 spacecraft approaches the ISS 2Soyuz TMA-20 spacecraft approaches the ISS 2
Soyuz TMA-20 spacecraft departs the ISSSoyuz TMA-20 spacecraft departs the ISS
Soyuz TMA-20 spacecraft is raised into vertical positionSoyuz TMA-20 spacecraft is raised into vertical position
TMA-20 Crew (5061716137)TMA-20 Crew (5061716137)
TMA-20 Crew (5061716209)TMA-20 Crew (5061716209)
linkFreebase entry@Wikidata
majorlanding Kazakhstan2011Wikidata
majorrocket launch Gagarin's Start2010Wikidata
personCatherine ColemanWikidata
personDmitri KondratyevWikidata
personPaolo NespoliWikidata
imageDmitri Kondratyev 20102010Wikimedia
imageExpedition 26 Soyuz TMA-20 Arrives At Launch Pad2010Wikimedia
imageExpedition 26 Soyuz TMA-20 Rollout2010Wikimedia
imageExpedition 27 Soyuz TMA-20 spacecraft2011Wikimedia
imageKondratyev and Coleman duing a fit check2011Wikimedia
imageSTS-133 ISS-26 newly-attached Permanent Multipurpose Module2011Wikimedia
imageSoyuz TMA-20 Catherine Coleman plants a tree2010Wikimedia
imageSoyuz TMA-20 Crew2010Wikimedia
imageSoyuz TMA-20 Crew in front of the capsule2010Wikimedia
imageSoyuz TMA-20 crew2010Wikimedia
imageSoyuz TMA-20 crew at the Kremlin Wall2010Wikimedia
imageSoyuz TMA-20 crew members wave farewell2010Wikimedia
imageSoyuz TMA-20 departs ISS12011Wikimedia
imageSoyuz TMA-20 docked with the Rassvet module2011Wikimedia
imageSoyuz TMA-20 prime and backup crews in front of St. Basil's Cathedral2010Wikimedia
imageSoyuz TMA-20 prime and backup crews in front of the Tsar Cannon2010Wikimedia
imageSoyuz TMA-20 rocket launches2010Wikimedia
imageSoyuz TMA-20 rocket launches 12010Wikimedia
imageSoyuz TMA-20 rocket launches 22010Wikimedia
imageSoyuz TMA-20 spacecraft approaches the ISS 12010Wikimedia
imageSoyuz TMA-20 spacecraft approaches the ISS 22010Wikimedia
imageSoyuz TMA-20 spacecraft departs the ISS2011Wikimedia
imageSoyuz TMA-20 spacecraft is raised into vertical position2010Wikimedia
imageTMA-20 Crew (5061716137)2010Wikimedia
imageTMA-20 Crew (5061716209)2010Wikimedia