Luna 12

From Spacefaring


Soviet lunar orbiter


Lunik 12
artificial satellitelunar orbiterLuna 11NPO LavochkinLuna 13Molniya-MLuna programme

  • NASA Space Science Data Coordinated Archive entry@
  • Freebase entry@

Elevation map of the Moon with the localisation of the landing sites of successful sample return missions and the designated landing region of Chang`e 5.Elevation map of the Moon with the localisation of the landing sites of successful sample return missions and the designated landing region of Chang'e 5.
Kosmonavtica 001 RUKosmonavtica 001 RU
linkNASA Space Science Data Coordinated Archive entry@Wikidata
linkFreebase entry@Wikidata
majorrocket launch Baikonur Cosmodrome Site 311966Wikidata
imageElevation map of the Moon with the localisation of the landing sites of successful sample return missions and the designated landing region of Chang'e 5.2020Wikimedia
imageKosmonavtica 001 RU1962Wikimedia